Welcome to the Hollywood Baby Too and Liquor Town collaboration!

The partnership between Hollywood Baby Too and Liquor Town goes back to 2015 when Frank and Tom took the initiative to find a liquor supplier that would guarantee every single bottle of liquor was not only authentic but legally landed in China, with all taxes and duties paid.  Something that Frank and Tom passionately believed in – the safety of everyone that drinks at HBT because as everyone knows, all of the customers at HBT are long-time friends and part of the family.

Now it’s time to share this collaboration with you all.  If you like what you’re drinking then click down below on the HOME icon to get searching for it now.  Here are some quick links below for some of Frank and Tom’s personal favourites.

Ginstr – Stuttgart Dry Gin, from the motherland of Frank and Tom – click here to get more details.

Jagermeister – it’s a party, German-style, in one bottle.  Click here to get more details.

The Reid Single Malt Vodka – Frank would drink this every day if he could afford to.  Click here to get more details.

Tom’s Black Russian – his second favourite cocktail after the Kamikaze.  Click here to get more details.